What are the various career opportunities for students who learn html5? (Founder – Amiworks Solution Pvt. Ltd. )
What are the various career opportunities for students who learn html5? ( Amit Singh, Founder – Amiworks Solution Pvt. Ltd. )
What are the various career opportunities for students who learn html5? ( Amit Singh, Founder – Amiworks Solution Pvt. Ltd. )
Transcript: See one of the problems that large companies have would be the number of rounds of interviews are really high so you can actually get rejected in most of the levels but if you are joining a company of 10 people, the CEO will interview you in 10 minutes and will decide whether you are in or not but this is not done in larger companies like they have psychometric test, you will have HR test, and then some […]
Tell us something about your illustrious career and journey till now. (Vimla Varghese – Project Director – ABM Knowledgeware Ltd.)
What are the preparations required for marketing career and how can he/she come to know that He/she is right person for marketing career? (Atul Tandon – Director – J L Morison (India) Ltd)
How important it is to be honest in this fiercely competitive age? (Sharad Singh – Founder & CEO – Valuefy)
From parents to friends,everybody tries to lecture students and tell them to live in present …what does this “living in present “exactly means? (Nisha Varma – Fitness Expert – Reebok)
What are the prospects for application development in iOS and what qualification does an IT student need to be specialized in application development? (Prashant Hinduja – Chief Trainer – Android, Samsung India)
Transcript: I think it comes from within, I remember my time when I was in college. With god’s grace I was a good studious kid and my parents thought that she would be an engineer or doctor. But something from within and my own behavior, my own want to always be interacting with people, always mingling around with people. Being more of an extrovert, made me always feel that I wanted to get into a career which gives me that […]
Transcript: In terms of advertising. When, we say advertising, a client falls as in an account unlike a financial term. Where by account is basically numbers or something to do with numbers. For complete answer, watch the video! (Ajay Mahajna – Associate Vice President – BATES (A WPP Company))
Tell us something about your career and a journey till now – (Sudhanshu Raheja – MD, Vercingetorix Technologies)
What precautions should a student take while he/she is asked about salary in interview? (Kuldeep Singh – Human Resource Head – Melstar Information Technologies Ltd.)
Tell us something about your illustrious career and journey till now. – (Mahesh Gosavi, Head HR, Quest Consultants Ltd.)