What are the career options in web technologies? ( Sr Product Manager – Saggezza Software India Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the career options in web technologies? (Kannan Srinivasan – Sr Product Manager – Saggezza Software India Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the career options in web technologies? (Kannan Srinivasan – Sr Product Manager – Saggezza Software India Pvt. Ltd.)
Transcript: I think one of the important aspects for fresher or a newcomer in the organization is that as an example, today we have a lot of MNCs like HL, big brands like Dabur, where people try to make career in marketing. All of these companies are age old companies; they have been driving the market for last 20 years. So what is important here is for new recruits or new comers is to add value to the marketing proposition […]
What are the components of logical database structure of Oracle database? (Minakshi Salve – Senior Lecturer – Amplify Mindware)
What according to you are the basic survival skills required to run a business? (Suresh Namboothiri – Co-founder & Country Head – Espoir Technologies Private Limited)
What is the growth path available for an individual in marketing career? (Atul Tandon – Director – J L Morison (India) Ltd)
Transcript: In a particular project we assign certain activity to certain person getting work done from that particular person is basically called as man management and how it is important for a project management like system is there but the activity is done by particular person and if that person manage properly on basis of work review, feedback etc… so this can be the perfect fit for man management. (Vivek Dusane – Vice President – Operations – Uptime Infratel)
What is the net profit expected for a start-up business? (Abhijeet Bokil – CEO – Aeron Systems Ltd.)
Transcript: I think everybody has a dream of starting his own thing, if you go into a classroom or an MBA school and ask people that how many of you want to start your own thing so I guess most of them will be answering yes they want to. So I have a very strong belief in terms of when is the best time to start your own thing , it could be like that you work for couple of […]
What according to you should be the top 2-3 focus points for choosing a career and later appearing for interviews? (Kannan Srinivasan – Sr Product Manager –Saggezza Software India Pvt. Ltd.)
Your Message to the students.(Sujit Karpe -Head Deliveries – Eco tech IT Solution Pvt Ltd).