How does a student prepare himself for a Multinational? (Kongsberg – Defence Communications)
How does a student prepare himself for a Multinational? (Gen.Ravindra Singh – Kongsberg – Defence Communications)
How does a student prepare himself for a Multinational? (Gen.Ravindra Singh – Kongsberg – Defence Communications)
What is the basic difference between Blogs and Forums? (Abhijit Naskar – Consultant Specialist – IBM)
What is billing? (Rajeev Kohali – Techno-functional Consultant – IBM)
Transcript: I am a son of illiterate farmer from very small village after completion of my graduation I stated my own business but I could not succeed in my business after that I complete my MSW (Master of Social Work) and then I join Seva Ram trust as a health educator gradually in within 1 year I become project manager for past two years worked as project director now I am working as executive director in Seva Ram trust it […]
While recruiting,three parameters are looked at attitude,aptitude and skill?which one is most important and what weight age does each one hold? (Kranti Munje – Sr VP – HR and OD – Medusind Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the different careers available for freshers in the IT industry? (George John – Manager HR – Nexsus Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
Your mantra of success and message to the students. (Surinder Singh – General Manager – Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces)
Transcript: If u asks me honestly there is no readymade formula. It’s something very simple first identify your strength and weaknesses be honest among reaching out be honest about understanding, what you can do and the next point for the industry is to nurture this talent through development program and it so happens. If, have a right processes and courses. We need up messing with the carrier, what my experience has been in an organization, where we have a leadership, […]
Transcript: SAP career in itself is a very interesting career. In my 15 years or 20 years SAP implementation, SAP support and global SAP implementation. I have learnt supply chains of more than 10-15 fortune 500 companies. The essential pre-requisite for a good SAP career is one sound theoretical education knowledge. So, if you are a supply chain consultant, you should have the pre-requisite education or qualification for that particular consulting line. If, this is technical, you should be technically […]
What role does a fresher plays in large organization and how he/she could make his/her presence felt into the organization? (Abhijeet Dandekar – CEO – Sentio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the different types of web technologies and how are they different from each other? (Rishi Agrawal – Product Manager – Arvan Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the different profiles that are available in IT field? (Amit Singh – Founder – AmiWorks Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)