How do people make it big in early life or in early professional life?(HR Head – PMAM IT Services Pvt Ltd).
How do people make it big in early life or in early professional life?(Pritish Mallaya – HR Head – PMAM IT Services Pvt Ltd).
How do people make it big in early life or in early professional life?(Pritish Mallaya – HR Head – PMAM IT Services Pvt Ltd).
After working for few years there comes a monotonous feeling in life, so how should we keep our enthusiasm for long run. (Vikas B – Manager IT Applications – D’decor Home Fabrics Pvt. Ltd.)
Transcript: Real Estate Deals with various subjects but in the broader sense building. Building cities, building, building Army installations or building anything that is even a building a monument is part of the real estate. When we colloquially talk of real estate. We mean either it is residential either it is retail or offices or now a days they have started classifying commercial real estate as IT , NON IT ,Hospitality Industry as in hotels and all and so on […]
Transcript: I find this very disappointing, business community and educational institutes are not yet convinced that six sigma can be a good career path or it could give value addition for a student. So, i am afraid to say that there are not many institutes providing thorough knowledge of six sigma. But it’s just a matter of discovering in local neighborhood, what they can do for us. I guess there is one out of them which will help our student […]
Your mantra of success.(Raj D’souza – CTO/Co-Founder – Valuepitch E Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
Your mantra of success and message to the students. (Rani Desai – Vice President – HR and Org. Dev – Geometric Software Solutions Company Ltd.)
How and when does a student become a professional? (Vikas B – Manager IT Applications – D’decor Home Fabrics Pvt. Ltd.)
What is your definition and mantra of success? (Dr. Anjan Bhattacharyya – Ex – Commissioner of Hospitals)
How can a person be “self motivated” while having the peer pressure in working environment? – (Ankur Parekh – MD, Decos Software Development Pvt Ltd)
What is BlackHat SEO technique?And why shouldn’t companies use it? (Anant Singh, Founder – Geekyworks)
What precautions should a student take while he/she is asked about the salary in an interview? (Ajit Singh – GM Human Resources – Netmagic Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)