Mention about the top cloud applications now a day? (Co-founder,
Mention about the top cloud applications now a day? (Navin Kabra – Co-founder,
Mention about the top cloud applications now a day? (Navin Kabra – Co-founder,
Transcript: Because it is going to use an event thread that blocks all the other events unless and until your method doesn’t complete its execution so because of that we need to do it quickly. (Minakshi Salve – Senior Lecturer – Amplify Mindware)
Your mantra of success and message to the students. (Sunil Chorey – Country head technology – Indiasoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
Tell us something about your illustrious career. – (Sudhir Jena, General manager, Oakwood Asia Pacific)
What level of engagement that company demands from a fresher? (Rishi Agrawal – Product Manager – Arvan Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
Which institutions provide the best courses hotel management? – (Sudhir Jena, General Manager, Oakwood Asia Pacific)
What are the basic qualities that Indian multinationals and global giants expect in a fresher? (Dinanath Kholkar – Head of BFSI and CEO & MD – TCS eServe)
What are the basic qualities that Indian multinationals and global giants expect in a fresher?(Meena Sane – Founder – Biz-Tie consultants).
What is cloud in cloud computing? (Navin Kabra – Co-founder,
What are the basic communications skills expected from a new marketing executive in terms of written and verbal? (Sangeeta Sundaram – VP Marketing and communications – Allcargo Global Logistics Ltd.)
What are the most important things you have done to grow your business? – (Avinash Sethi , Chief Marketing Officer- Innovizetech)