How should we keep our enthusiasm for a long run? (CEO – Sentio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
How should we keep our enthusiasm for a long run? (Abhijeet Dandekar – CEO – Sentio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
How should we keep our enthusiasm for a long run? (Abhijeet Dandekar – CEO – Sentio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What is the weight-age distribution for aptitude,attitude an skills? (Raj Singh – Founder & CEO – Aeon Logiciel)
What are the most crucial things you have done to grow your business? (Chinar Deshpande – CEO – Creative IT Indian Pvt. Ltd.)
What do we exactly mean by term ‘marketing’? (Parag Maladkar – Marketing Head,BWIR)
Your message to the students. (Sameer Joshi – CEO – Indicus Software(India) Private Limited)
What should a student sort after in a job, pay-package or experience? (Rani Desai – Vice President – HR and Org. Dev – Geometric Software Solutions Company Ltd.)
Transcript: In AIPL mostly we are using PC based technology we mostly work on Microsoft platform as well as Linux platform we are using .Net technology, J2EE, PHP as well the lane programing like Apache, MySQL and we are also doing work in C++ being working on automation domain there are lots of application which are done in C or C++ so this are the technology we are using. (Sujata Tilak – MD & CTO,Ascent Informatics)
What careers are available for freshers in global markets and what is their growth path? (Nishu Miglani – Director – Search Quest Consultants Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the basic qualities that multinationals looking for in a fresher? (Kuldeep Singh – Human Resource Head – Melstar Information Technologies Ltd.)
What is the meaning of leadership for a fresher and how can a fresher show his/her leadership skills in an organization? (Sameer Joshi – CEO – Indicus Software (India) Private Limited)
People believe in marketing big early in life these days,so how do they achieve it? (Kranti Munje – Sr VP – HR and OD – Medusind Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
What should a fresh graduate look for,is it cash or something else? (Arvind Kapoor – Founder Saggezza)